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How to choose the right air tightness testing equipment?

How to choose the right air tightness testing equipment? With the development of science and technology, air tightness detection technology is getting better and better, and the application is becoming more and more extensive. As a result, there are more manufacturers of air tightness testing equipment, the price difference is relatively large, and the range of choices available for users is wider, but how to choose the products that are suitable for their own use requires users to compare and choose according to specific conditions. The following will teach you how to choose air tightness testing equipment.

Method for selecting airtightness testing equipment:

1. The user only needs to use the instrument alone for seal detection, that is, it does not need to be connected to other control systems, and the detector without input, output port and communication interface can be selected.

2. It is recommended that the content product is greater than 5l or more for sealing detection, and try to choose the flow type, because when the content product is large, it is difficult to cause differential pressure changes due to small leakage; Sealability test of workpiece content less than 5l, according to the process requirements can choose the flow type or differential pressure type.

3. When there are more detection varieties of the production line, the parameters required by each variety are different, then the user needs to select the air tight detector with the [channel] function, so that a model corresponds to a set of channel parameters.

4. For the workpiece detection with strict requirements for leakage indicators, we must choose a gas tightness detector with good quality and high precision.

5. because the air tightness testing equipment uses a special control board, after-sales problems are often only dealt with by manufacturers, so it is also important to choose those who have certain strength and strong viability of the enterprise production of the air tightness instrument.